The Future Is Bright: As Is Our Next Generation of Leaders

It may not be what you read in the news right now. Success and positivity don't sell much of anything these days. 

The number of leaders I speak to who are driven to do things differently than the generation before them is staggering, yet inspiring. I have seen it in recent times and played out in history over the years: people rise.

Great leaders rise to what they want to see in the world. They rise to what and who they want to surround themselves with. 

Right now, as you read this, great leaders are brushing off the soot of this 18-month pandemic and looking to the horizon. Looking for a light, and looking for new ways to grow both as people, and for their people. 

A new client summed it up: she wants to be a different type of leader. Note: she did not say that she wants a different leader, but wants to be different. 

The next generation wants more, expects more, and is willing to work hard to BE more. They want to be leaders who empower, inspire and build, not using power, fear, and secret handshake deals.

I have the best job in the world. I get to help people navigate the terrain of this new way of leading: the emotional agility required, the non-negotiable culture of trust; the complete overhaul of how we communicate.

We no longer communicate solely about data and program rollouts; our job now includes communicating with the humans and influencing their very human experience. 

The future is bright and the path is there, it's just a different path. It is less worn, needs more clearing, and isn't as easy to spot. 

I'm relieved to tell you this: the old path has fewer people pounding away on it, climbing over each other and scrambling to win. Now there is another choice, and a new path is being cut.

It’s time for reflection and it’s time for action.

What path will you choose when you know the old way isn't working anymore? Will you start to hack and carve, creating a new way? Will you choose the well-worn road without even thinking about it.

What will create the environment for the happiness, purpose, and leadership you want to embody?
