
The Next Normal 

It goes without saying we aren't sure yet what "normal" will look like in the wake of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. What if you could decide? 

What dreams did you have before the pandemic?
What would it take to accomplish these dreams?
Who would be involved, and in what capacity?
What does achieving this dream fulfill in you?
How does it honour your values?

If you are stuck and not sure how to dream anymore, that's okay. It's not "normal" to dream when we don't know the landscape. It may not come easily but that doesn't mean we can't get there, and reap the rewards of the joy dreaming brings. 

Acknowledging our dreams is great fuel for Hope. Hope is like a warm candle that somehow with one little flame can warm a space. It's important to keep it burning. 

Do you need help dreaming? 
Let me know; I will reply to you and let you know how I can help.