The System I Benefit From is Broken

I've never been one to worry about looking too political. I run my own business and I am often told by all the experts how important it is to manage my brand. 

I'd like to be clear. I am human. Yes, I have a brand. My humanity comes first. If I had to define my brand, it is to be who you are on purpose, not with a side apology, not with a bowed head or whisper. Stand up for what you believe and hold hands with those who give you strength.

This is who I am. 
I am finding out how to be anti-racist. 
I am looking for active change so that there is no fear when a black human leaves their home. 
I am looking for active change so that my kids know what to do and say to support their friends and classmates as the world tips on its axis.
I am looking for active change so that people know unequivocally that race is not "political" to me or separate from business. Equality is a must. Period.

I am in the business of helping women manage the sometimes insurmountable pressures of wanting to achieve in their careers and make sure their kids' immunizations are up to date. To understand their strengths and dig deep when it's time to set aside their own wants and needs and work on homeschool math, again. To get a promotion and take the dog to the vet. 

Here's the problem. While we juggle this act, it has become white noise to hear about death, police brutality, lack of water in CANADIAN northern communities, and more. We tell ourselves it's an American problem. Nope. We know that's not true and now that we admit it, things are about to get messy. We can't change lifelong establishments without it getting messy.

Sometimes I will write about race. Equality is not an "issue" for me or separate from my purpose. It is heavily woven into my tapestry and I can't ignore it. I don't want to.  I am only just beginning to discover what part I will play in tearing down the old system and rebuilding. I hope you will share with me, and that we all stay open to learning and growing. 

This week I challenge you to do this: ask yourself what you think you know. Then actively learn more. That's what I'm doing. I have just begun to scratch the surface and see how I have been benefitting from a broken system.

Be brave to stop someone who paints with a broad brush and gentle as they may just be learning too. 

I'd love to hear your perspective. What has helped you? What can we read, watch, and share among this community to educate and help us take action? 

This is what I am digging into this month. How about you?