Are You Effective?

How Are You Showing Up?

We are still thinking about Covid-19. That is reality.
The other reality is that we are still working, and perhaps we could use a break from worry and instead, create focus to get through our work and feel more purposeful. 

For that reason, I’m going to be writing this week about a previously scheduled topic, weaving in the current environment as it relates.
Things will be better, we will be better. And in the meantime, let’s distract ourselves by going back to 52 weeks of Inspiration.
Are You Effective?
“I’ve got to hop on my next call – have a great day”. Conference call number ?? ends and another begins.

So I'm curious: What did you bring? What did you forward to action? What was the point?

Social Norms tell us how to fall in line; teach us habits - good and bad. I’ll never forget my first conference call. I thought it would be so cool, and instead I felt like I was a strange observer to a group of worn down uninspired people going through the motions of yet another call that rehashed a lot of nothing. Lots of sighs, passive-aggressive mumbled agreement with zero action forwarded.

As a new employee, I quickly fell in line. I followed what the others did. Checked in, largely agreed with whatever the leader of the call put forth and hung up feeling disinterested and deflated. 

In 2020, ask yourself what will you bring to each interaction; each call, video chat, and eventually, in-person interaction. Are you there for attendance like a good student, or are you there to actually BE there?

If there is one thing I know, it’s that it is twice as hard and ten times more rewarding to show up. 

Show up with purpose. That might be to ask one burning question or ask “what else can we do to push this even further to get the result we want”? It might be quietly listening to learn the nuances of a new group. It might mean refocusing on leading others by being more curious about their needs, and news ways to draw out what drives them. It might mean that today, you show up to shine the light on others, allowing them to shine.

Whichever way you look at it, Decide.

"How will I show up today?", and as the day ends, "was I who I said I would be?"