Leadership Now: A Messy Human Cycle

I have noticed a trend lately as far as the clients I accept. I now only work with leaders who know that leadership has changed.

  • Expectations of them have changed.

  • Skills have changed.

  • The world has changed.

 Evolving and trying and failing and learning is a messy, human cycle.

It is not magic or something you can hack.

Before Covid, Leadership celebrated control, holding power, and ensuring efficiencies. If people were happy, that was a nice by-product.

Post-Covid that doesn’t fly.

Post-Covd, we lead in a world that is immersed in damage control, hybrid working (whatever an organization says that is), and trying to stop unhappy people from resigning.

Anyone curious how the heck you pull that off?

Good. So am I, which is why my focus is helping leaders do 3 things:

1) Self Work: What do I do well, what do I hide from, what do I do badly and how do I change it?

2) Others: What is my team dealing with that they bring to every Teams call? What is playing on their personal EI soundtrack and how is it affecting their work and our overall results? How do I coach that; I’m not trained for this!

3) Purpose: What’s the point? Why does the group need to have results by midnight? Why do we need to redo the google slides? Do you and your team have a clear purpose you are anchored back to? Can they tell you if asked?

That’s the Leadership world I live in.

I’m proud of my clients who work courageously every day to be better leaders and pay it forward.

They may not have all the answers, but they sure as heck aren’t satisfied walking blindly as the world changes around them.

Jen Schrafft